Diagnostics and Services

Clinical Diagnostics and Psychotherapy Services

Clinical Diagnostics and Psychotherapy Services

Range and Type of services:  Dr. Morris has a wide variety of specialties and experience and training with a broad group of patient population types.  He has served as a leader on national psychological and specialty boards and groups, as a psychology pre-doctoral internship program and post doctoral clinical and counseling psychology training programs, as hospital Psychology Directors and consulting medical staff member, as member of primary care clinic medical staff, and he has over 40 years of experience evaluating and treating and supervising, clinical, family, substance abuse, disability, neuropsychological evaluation and rehabilitation, forensic evaluation and treatment cases, and serious and persistent mental illness child and adult patients and school psychology and IEP qualifications cases.  He has a long history of evaluating and treating post CVA and TIA cases, pain management cases, obesity and obesity surgery evaluation cases, and worker disability cases.  He has years of experience in child abuse and neglect and severely dysfunctional family cases with significant forensic involvement.  While he is very selective regarding new cases at this stage of his career he remains committed to helping patients and their advocates with the most needy patients and complicated cases.

Supervision Services: As a doctor with multiple clinical specialties and advanced training and experiences, Dr. Morris continues to be interested in taking on psychologist, professional counselor, marital and family therapist, and substance abuse counselor trainees that are exceptional students and highly motivated to become elite psychotherapists that are requiring supervision for full licensure or specialty certification or board specialty supervision.  Application for these services require a submitted resume, goals and motivation letter, and an interview.  Supervision requires case reviews, theoretical discussions and reviews, technique reviews, assessment reviews, treatment plan reviews, and reading and research assignments.  When agencies wish to add Dr. Morris to their supervision faculty this requires an interview, access to full review of information about the agency and it’s mission, clinical staff makeup, accreditations or contract and program types, and conversations with their clinical director (s). All licensure candidates in specific disciplines will need to purchase a “test preparation” package and review study schedule and progress with Dr. Morris.  Select students will be given opportunity to work with Dr. Morris on his regular professional publications and to qualify to co-author journal or book chapter or newsletter publications.  All supervises will have access to Dr. Morris’ classical clinical publications library and his subscriptions to search services for publications and scientific literature.  All supervises must show active malpractice insurance coverage and legal ability to practice under supervision in Mo and/or KS.  If you work in a facility or group practice, these organizations must agree to work with Dr. Morris and adapt policies and procedures and clinical records and human resources access for the supervisor to facilitate evaluations and evaluation of clinical and administrative performance.

Restricted Covenants and Circumstances:  Dr. Morris has developed and had leadership roles in the founding, development, accreditation, and management and ownership of mental health facilities and clinical programs in primary care facilities and hospitals.  He has leadership roles in JCAHO, CARF, State Mental Health Department, APA Psychology Program Accreditation, Substance Abuse Program Accreditation, Drug Court Contracts Management, Mental Health Court participation, and clinician evaluation and certification and board certification.  He has had a part in the development, ownership and/or accreditation, Medicaid and Medicare accreditation, and CHMPUS/TriCare certification of facilities. He has years of experience and is approved for reimbursement for clinical services for nearly all area managed care insurers and commercial insurers and the VA and TriCare and Medicaid in KS and MO and Medicare in the region. Still, he continues to work for one of the facilities he developed and sold.  In patients in the counties of Barton, Dade, Vernon, Cedar, Bates, St. Clair, Cass, Henry, Jackson, Lafayette, and Johnson in MO he can be contacted and review the need for services but must refer these cases (often to himself fully or partially) to his employment in those covenant county areas in MO.  There are no restrictions in Kansas where Dr. Morris is also licensed or other counties in MO, or for supervision or training faculty and staff functioning.